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1. Overview Of The DLT Registration

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has made it mandatory for all entities to register on the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platform. This has been done to curb Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC) and improve mobile subscriber privacy within the country. To read more about the new regulation, see  Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulation 2018 (TCCCPR 18) .

The DLT platform is a block-chain based registration system adopted to keep records of all transactions made between network participants. It’s aimed at creating more transparency and reducing the incidence of spam and fraud. 

Why These Changes?

The move has been taken to curb increasing number of frauds & spams happening over SMS & Voice calls. Purpose here is to have your KYC done with the telecom operators ( so as to maintain end to end traceability in case of frauds ) and pre-define SMS content you are going to send ( so as to control spam and fraudulent messages ).

In case you wish to know in detail about the regulation, please refer to the regulatory document published by TRAI at   THIS LINK

2. Enterprises vs. Telemarketers

The DLT platform lets you register as an Enterprise or a Telemarketer.



3. How to Register on the DLT Platform ( As a first time applicant )

If you’re sending SMS to the users in India, then it is mandatory for you to register on the DLT platform.  You must register  with at least one telecom operator.  ( We recommend starting with Jio, as Jio's DLT onboarding process is free, fast and with minimal documentation needs )  

Steps For Registering Entity On Jio's DLT Portal:

Steps For Marking 2Factor ( Solv Technologies ) as your Telemarker 

Jio's Header/SenderID Registration Process

Every Company needs to register header with access providers as per the procedure below:

  1. Login to  Trueconnect.jio.com using Principal Entity login credentials
  2. Go to SMS headers-> Header SMS Registration

  3. Fill the required details such as header type and category. Create the require d Header and click on Submit.

  4. Submit the request for approval.

  5. JIO's Registrar will validate and verify details provided by the Principal Entity.
  6. After validating the details the Registrar will approve, register the header on the DLT Platform

  7. The Registrar will then communicate successful registration or any discrepancy to the Principal Entity on the registered e-mail and mobile number.

Jio’s Content Template Registration Process

Please refer to the general guidelines published for creating SMS templates at  THIS LINK

To register a Content Template, a Principal Entity please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to  TrueConnect.jio.com as a Principal Entity
  2. Go to template -> content template registration

  3. Define template type – Promotional/Transactional/Service

  4. Select category of content and a registered header. The registered header should be available for selection basis category of content only – numeric for promo and alpha for Others Also keep in scope that in the end state we should allow the same header for all category types.

  5. Submit template for approval
  6. JIO's Registrar will validate and verify details provided by the Principal Entity
  7. On successful registration,the Registrar will approve and register content template ID on DLT platform

The registrar will communicate successful registration or any discrepancy in case of incorrect details with the applicant on the registered e-mail and mobile number.

Jio’s Consent Template Registration Process

Please refer to the general guidelines published for creating SMS templates at  THIS LINK

  1. Login to  Jio's Portal as a Principal Entity using your user credentials
  2. Click on “Customer’s Consent” tab present on the homepage and select “Bulk upload” option from drop-down list

  3. To view the file format in which the consent file should be uploaded, please follow the instructions below:

  1. To upload you file, click on browse option.
  2. Once the file is selected, click on upload option.

  3. On successful upload a success message will be displayed on the screen.

Feel free to reachout to us at support@2factor.in should you need any assistance.


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The TRAI, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India had issued some draft guidelines to control the SMS spam from various marketing firms last year. That had prompted many mobile operators to invest both time and money on the latest blockchain technology. Recently, the TRAI announced that it is ready with its blockchain-based DLT platform to overcome fraud and SMS spam.

Get Free TRAI DLT Registration Fee, Last Date Information ( Bulk SMS Service Provider ) What is DLT or Distributed Ledger Technology?

The DLT is a kind of shared database in a large network and each user or participant can use and update it independently. The ledger keeps track of all the transactions made by the network participants. Every record will have a unique cryptographic signature and a timestamp that aids in auditing and preventing fraudulent transactions. TRAI has made some regulations that require the telcos to record the preference of users on a preference registry and the consent on a consent registry using DLT. The user can withdraw the consent at any time if the service is no longer relevant or if the consent is abused. These regulations are in a bid to secure the user’s information through cryptography and also to have bookkeeping based on consensus. By obtaining consensus from the user, the risk of frauds is reduced as all transactions are done only after getting consent from the participants.

What should the Telcos do?

The DLT is one of its kind technology that prevents customer information to be leaked. As per the rules laid out by TRAI, telecom operators have to use blockchain technology to increase confidentiality, make their application, non-repudiative and also prevent subscriber’s data from being accessed without authorization. It also helps to prevent unwanted calls as well as spam SMS. The marketing companies or other businesses that want to send promotional messages to DND (Do not disturb). Customers will have to get consent every year using the DLT platform. This applies even to users who have already given their consent but that can be misused. The new system has an app from TRAI where the consent can be revoked by the mobile subscriber whenever desired. SMS templates that are approved by telemarketers will also be needed by enterprises. After the DLT platform goes live, the enterprises will have to register and get their sender IDs with the telemarketers. The process of getting the sender IDs is the same as registering a domain. Once the unique sender ID is obtained it is blocked under the name of the registrant across all the telecom operators and can only be used by the registered company. After the failure of the DND registry and the current regulations, the TRAI expects the use of a blockchain-based DLT platform to bring more success in the prevention of financial frauds and spam calls. Telecom marketers who use SMS services have started upgrading their platforms. For example, Sandeshlive upgraded the application to follow DLT rules. That allows authorized marketing agencies to send messages to subscribers who have opted to receive SMS and calls. DLT will make TRAIs forensics easy as it will help to quickly find those who breach the guidelines. It exposes both, the agencies that send spam SMS and those users who lie about DND preference. There is also less chance of data breach. Telco’s will charge 0.02 INR per massage as a DLT service fees. We at SandeshLive deeply value our business association and would hence take you through the process of complying with the regulations specified by the TCCCPR 2018/DLT Registration in a disciplined manner. The phases involved would be:

Phase I- Registration of Entities

Let us begin by simplifying the documents required to get registered.

Documents required for registering an ENTITY on DLT portal:

Self-certification by an authorized signatory A letter on the company letterhead self-certified by authorized signatory clearly stating the name, designation, signature & company seal. Proof of authorized signatory (authorization letter) A letter on the company letterhead authorizing an individual to act on behalf of the organization. Proof of Identity of authorized signatory PAN copy of authorized signatory. Proof of Address (differs as per the type of industry) Any of the following documents- Aadhar Card, Election Commission ID, Passport, Electricity Bill (Not Older than 3 months), Telephone Bill (Not Older than 3 months), Lease Agreement/Registered Sale. Consent letter from Business Entity Letter on company letterhead authorizing the Telemarketer.

DLT registration fees and procedure: ( Fee waiver last date)

Registration fee (INR 5900/- or INR 5900/- plus processing fees whichever would be applicable/higher) This fee is non-refundable. An acceptable mode of payment would include Cheque/DD. In case an Entity prefers to complete the registration process themselves, the fee would be processed in the name of the concerned operator as directed. Service Fee (INR 1180/-) Pan Number (Entity), GST Number (Govt.), Aadhaar Number of Authorized Signatory. Post completion of Entity registration, the following phases would be implemented:

Phase II- DLT Registration of Headers Phase III- DLT Registration of Templates

Registration of your Entity is mandatory before 06th Feb' 2020 to continue using SMS and Voice Services as per TRAI Direction 2/1/2020 5:03:08 PM Dear Valued Customer, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in its continuous endeavor to create a cleaner and transparent system in the Indian telecom industry has released a new regulation in July 2018 to curb Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC) and enhance mobile subscriber privacy, TCCCPR 18 Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulation 2018. The Regulation is intended to eliminate spam and fraud which has been a concern for many years. The regulation has mandated the use of Block-chain technology also known as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to implement the solution. Based on the regulation Enterprise & Sender Id registration is mandatory on the DLT platform as per New TRAI regulation to all who are using SMS and Voice Services. The last date of registration is 06th Feb'2020 as per TRAI direction, kindly complete the registration before it. Post this date, SMS services of only registered entities will be allowed from operators. In case you have already completed the Enterprise registration on DLT platform then, please start Sender Id (Header) registration as well which is the second phase of regulation. For Enterprise registration, request you to first start registration with Videocon DLT (Registration Fee of Rs.5900 if waived off till 06th Feb’2020) and get a unique Entity Id from Videocon (This might take around 72 working hours to get approved) which should be used with Videocon operator. Operator DLT Registration portal: https://smartping.live/entity/reg-as (Videocon DLT URL) Click here to download registration manuals for the above operators. The Entity has to pay INR 5,900/- (inclusive of taxes) as registration fees. (Non-refundable) (This charge is waived off in Videocon DLT URL till 03rd Feb’2020) For any queries feel free to write to us at support@2factor.in

Frequently asked questions on DLT registration:

Why is it necessary to register the entity on Vodafone / Airtel / Tata / Jio / Airtel DLT Portal / Platform?

Answer: As per the process we (2Factor) has been made to understand that we have to get all our users registered on whichever telecom operator’s connectivity we are using for SMS delivery. For e.g. If we are using Multi operator connectivity like BSNL, Videocon, Vodafone, etc. then all our users have to register on all these operator’s DLT Platform. We (2Factor) also have to register as Telemarketer on all these operator’s DLT Platform. And as Videocon has given few days to register all our customers for Free on their DLT platform we are asking our customers to register first on DLT platform. Who is charging Rs. 5000+GST (Rs.5900) for DLT registration? Answer: Rs. 5900 has to be paid to the telecom operator as DLT registration charge. We (KDMPL) are not taking that charge. Also we are getting the entities registered for free whenever the operators are giving us the communication of the same.

If we don’t register on DLT platform will our SMS delivery be stopped?

Answer: As we have multiple operator Connectivity we will try to pass on the maximum possible flexibility to our esteemed client’s, but we (KDMPL) are the aggregators of SMS service wherein we are dependent on the telecom service providers like Vodafone-Idea, Videocon, BSNL, etc. So in case these operators implement the rules strictly as per TRAI mandate then we will be forced to comply with the norms and will not be able to process SMS from Unregistered Entities.

Has the entity to do only company registration on DLT platform?

Answer: No. Entity registration is only one of the steps, the Further Phase (2) and Phase (3) includes Header (Sender ID) registration and Content Template Registration respectively, which will be communicated soon.

What is DLT?

Distributed Ledger Technology(DLT) is a Blockchain-based registration system. This Ledger keeps track of all the records of transactions made by network participants. Where telemarketers have to be registered with operators and users & resellers with operators but through Telemarketer.

How do I register Myself as an entity?

Go to the portal of any operator by whom you want to be registered. Fill all the necessary details and upload all required documents. I am having trouble in registration, What should I do? Do not worry just contact us, we are here to assist you and to make the registration process smooth and hassle-free. Why DLT is Mandatory? TRAI has taken this step to prevent customers from Unsolicited Commercial Communication which were annoying customers as fraud calls & SMS. So, according to TRAI’s regulation, DLT registration is mandatory to continue further telecom services. Which documents do I need for KYC for DLT? For KYC, you need documents like proof of authorized signatory, Self-certification by authorized signatory required on letterhead with name, designation and seal, Proof of Identity, POA: Proof of Address, Consent letter from parent entity, Service Agreement on Rs 100 stamp paper, Pan Number (Entity), GST Number(Govt.), Aadhaar Number of Authorized Signatory. Get step by step Telemarketer and entity registration process – Click Here TRAI Guideline and Notification — ( Part 1) Download Here TRAI Guideline and Notification — ( Part 2) Download Here

What is DLT Registration Last Date

What is DLT Registration Fee Waiver

What is DLT Registration Process

What is DLT Registration POrtal

What is DLT Registration

This is to inform you that Entity/Enterprise registration is mandatory on DLT platform (Distributed Ledger Technology) as per New TRAI regulation to all who are using SMS and Voice Services. The New regulation can be accessed through https://main.trai.gov.in/sites/default/files/RegulationUcc19072018.pdf Last date of registration is 15th Jan 2020 9th Feb 2020, kindly complete the registration before it. Please note that anyone who fails to register will become non compliant. We request you to complete the registration on urgent basis to avoid any inconvenience. Request you to first start registration with Videocon DLT and get unique Entity Id from Videocon which should be use with other operators. Operator DLT Registration portals : https://smartping.live/entity/reg-as (Videocon DLT URL) https://www.airtel.in/business/commercial-communication (Airtel DLT URL) https://telemarketer.tatateleservices.com:8082/(Tata DLT URL) https://trueconnect.jio.com (Reliance JIO DLT URL) Entity has to pay INR 5,900/- (inclusive of taxes) as registration fees. (Non-refundable), if you complete your KYC on SMS Alert Portal by 12th Jan 2020, the registration fee will be waived off. DLT Registration Portal - Fees - Process